To unlock the vault and reveal your message

...they must beat THE CONFUZZLER.

The Confuzzler
Play Video Puzzle Mix

The Confuzzler


confuzzle's original puzzle experience.
12 lovable and perfectly solvable brain teasing puzzles that will reveal a code to unlock your secret message. Great for any occassion.

We currently only ship to UK addresses.

How does it work?

  1. Upload your message, which can include text, an image or video (we recommend a video).
  2. We'll send a mysterious (and anonymous) yellow envelope to the person you want to surprise.
  3. Inside the envelope will be a link to the digital vault along with 12 puzzles.
  4. The recipient must solve the puzzles to reveal a code which unlocks your message and reveals you as the sender.
Mixed Puzzle Tiles Gift
Confuzzle Puzzle Mix Mystery Gift


We currently only deliver to UK addresses.

Delivery is FREE and is via Royal Mail 1st Class post.

This experience comes with the following:

- an introduction card which tells the recipient they have a message from someone they know (but not who).

- a website link to the digital vault where your message is stored.

- 12 varied puzzles which when solved, reveal the code to the vault that unlocks your message.

This experience is suitable for adults and children aged 12+. Younger children may require help from an adult.

We've tried to make it an enjoyable experience so none of the puzzles are super hard. Although if they do get stuck, we supply a number of clues as well as the solution.

We accept Credit/Debit cards including Apple and Google Pay. We also offer PayPal and PayPal Credit where available.

Yes, of course! Send away. Enjoy an evening playing by yourself or with friends. You can leave the message blank and simply address it to yourself.

Yes but you have to create a separate order for each recipient. If you want to create a bulk order and send to many different people, then please contact us and we'll gladly help.

When they access the vault, they'll have the ability to see clues for each puzzle as well as the solution.

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